Children of Israel was launched in time for Israel’s 65th birthday in 2013 in the USA and in Israel.

As well as emotive photographs of Israeli children from all walks of life which highlight the magic, diverse beauty and spirit of hope that is Israel, this book contains inspirational children’s quotes and information about various peace initiatives taking place in Israel today. 

Sold globally by the reputable Israeli publisher who bought world rights to the book, Children of Israel was sold to companies as a corporate gift, as well as the Israeli government for international use.

All of the proceeds Alethea and Luca make from the Children of Israel have been donated to the Nurit Absorption Center (, which provides accommodation and assistance to Ethiopian refugees post arrival in Israel.

A documentary is being produced and will contain the many inspirational stories from the book, including Arab and Jewish children holding hands in peace, playing sport, music, dancing and doing art together.

Sting and Trudie Styler wrote a beautiful message for this book as did the Honourable President Shimon Peres.